Better Home Inspections, Inc. is a full service, residential home inspection company.  We will take care of all of your inspection needs with one phone call to our office.  When you hire an inspection company, you would like to know the inspector has many years of hands-on experience in both the construction trades and in customer service.  Do not accept a "textbook trained" inspector, but actually an experienced inspector that can build a house from start to finish, including all systems, not outsourcing anything. You also want an inspector that has hands on experience in renovations of older homes, all systems, as that may be part of your plans to renovate your new home.

New Jersey set the standards low to become a licensed home inspector.  At first, standards were much higher but then lowered as a lot of potential inspectors had complained. These newer inspectors wanted to get right out in the field faster with less training, charging the same prices as a home inspector with 25 plus years of experience.  The difference being they are gaining experience, at your expense, on your largest purchase, YOUR HOME.

Better Home Inspections, Inc. is a fully licensed and fully insured inspection company. We specialize in homes built from as early as the 1700's thru the new energy efficient homes of the 2000's.  We invite you to follow us through the entire home inspection experience and please feel free to ask any questions before, during and after your home inspection.  This inspection also includes unlimited phone consultations.   You will find our experienced staff to be more than accommodating.

NJHI LIC - 24GI00043800
NJHI LIC - 24GI00232600
NJDEP LIC - 21479B
NJDEP # MET10842

GIVE US A CALL TODAY AT  973-770-1213